Monday, September 5, 2011

A Question for my Readers

I am perplexed about this piece. I absolutely love it as is. For me it says all that I went to Maine for. It has fabulous color and a I felt a strength that I didn't know I had on the day I finished it. Coincidently, I finished it the day before I had the awakening that I was going to be doing Pink Chair paintings. (see post for August 27) I had to leave because of a storm before it was finished and came back  to finish. I had an incredible feeling of intensity when I was painting, like I had to do it fast - strong - NOW!  It is part of what put the power in that tree.

Now, There are some lovely spots of pink here and there that go with the pink chair. I could easily paint a pink chair, maybe back there under the back tree, and make it part of the series. Somehow I feel it is already a part of the series. Maybe the strength I felt had come from Mom and was just waiting inside to be named on the next day when I would be doing the first transformative painting, the one in which I felt her presence.

What do you think? Should it be part of the series without the chair? Should I paint the pink chair in? Any thoughts?

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